As you drive north on Interstate 79 in Butler County and approach
Moraine State Park you will see what looks like an off and on ramp which
was never completed along the road..
But back in the 1970s they
where actually used for a special purpose which was later roundly
criticized that Pa. State money was spent for the purpose.
reason the ramps where built was for the 2 week long National BSA
Jamborees. Once in 1973 and the other in 1977 I was just a first year
scout in 73 when my mom took my brothers and couple neighbor kids all in
scouting for a day trip to the 1973 Jamboree it was a great experience
and again in 1977 as a member of BSA camp Semiconon Staff we went over
for an evening show.
I never got to attend a whole week due to extreme costs for a working
class kid I even volunteered to work the entire week in 1977 but BSA
insist even volunteers pay the full amount which back then was almost$600.00
for the week which was considerable. back then at minimum wage I was
making $1.85 an hour In fact when a storm came thru and knocked
down electric wiring and other things in the camp sites at the jamboree
the jamboree had the nerve to call the ranger at Camp Semiconon and ask
for help from any trades people camping or on staff there to please
come help reset up the jamboree campsites Ranger Joe told them to go to
The State of Pa. paid for the ramps and for the
amphitheater and other items in the park to only ever be used by the
Scouts which is why it was widely criticized in the Pittsburgh Press and
Post Gazette.
And they where right for so criticizing it. The
park was pretty much off limits to the public most of the time including
the fact all the time it was being set up torn down areas where off
limits as well.
Something no other organization has ever been granted before or after and the amphitheater sits unused to this day.
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